Writing: A Plan For the Year

In a six and a half hour day, there are many things competing for your time as a teacher. First of all, think about the time in that day that your students aren't actually either in class or are already doing something else. Me, for instance, we spend the first 15 minutes eating breakfast and doing announcements, 40 minutes at recess/lunch, and an average of say 45 minutes a day at a special. So right off the bat, I'm losing 100 minutes a day, not to mention times in transition, bathroom breaks, getting ready to go home, and other time constraints. For this reason, we didn't have a set period of time for writing everyday.

I know, it sounds kind of shocking, but it was what it was. I still don't know how it will look this year, I haven't seen the full schedule yet. So, what I had to do is plan out the writing instruction into units and teach it when I could find the time. Here are the "units" that I will teach:

1 comment:

  1. I'm very curious to see your writing units. Will you be sharing them?


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