Thursday, June 19, 2014

5th Grade Math Resources for CCSS 5.NBT.6

5.NBT.6: Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

UNPACKED EXPLANATION: 4 digit by 2 digit division with strategies that involved an understanding of place value relationships (as in moving that decimal place to the left and right), understanding that division is the opposite of multiplication, and understanding the properties of the operations involved. Finally, students should have the ability to explain their calculation visually. 

WHAT THE PARCC WILL EXPECT: I'm not sure if many teachers out there have looked in depth at what the PARCC has to offer, but I have to say that I'm not very impressed in a lot of ways. If you look at this standard, it's really sophisticated in what it expects out of students. Not just the ability to divide, but the ability to elaborate on their calculation and process is important. Well, then there's the PARCC question, here's a screenshot of what the PARCC asked for 5th graders to do:

Yep, here it is. The point I'm trying to make here is if you go to the depth of understanding that 5.NBT.6 asks of you to go with your students, they'll have no trouble handling the low level, low quality type of question being asked of them on the PARCC assessment (I know that's a fairly brutal and straightforward critique, but that's how it is with this).

PARENT HELP: I discussed having parents help with basic multiplication and division practice at the beginning of the school year in my 5th Grade Math Resources for CCSS 5.NBT.5 post, and will elaborate on that here. 

If you set aside the initial.... six weeks or so of the school year for parents to help their children at home reinforcing basic multiplication and division facts, it can save you a lot of time in the classroom. I haven't met a 5th grade teacher in the all the world who doesn't lament the fact that a good percentage of their students don't walk through the door on the first day with fundamental math facts down, mainly multiplication facts and standard algorithm, as well as the ability to divide with the standard algorithm. So here's some resources that can be utilized for that purpose:

ADDRESSING 5.NBT.6 WITH RIGOR, SYSTEMATICALLY: Once students have basic division facts down (fact families basically), and can function within the standard algorithm, it's time to start talking about how to handle those remainders. By 5th grade, they shouldn't just be putting an "r" and writing the remainder next to it, they should either take that remainder and make a fraction with remainder in the numerator and divisor in the denominator, or continue on by using a decimal in the quotient (I like my students to keep going to the thousandths place if necessary). 

Long division with the remainder as a fraction

Long division with decimal remainders

DIVISION WITH DECIMAL REMAINDERS: (there are some options at the links immediately above this as well)

1 comment:

  1. This site is great. Thanks and keep the info coming. I appreciate all the resources I can get. I have a number of resources as well on my wiki if you are interested.


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