Monday, August 6, 2012

Collecting Parent Information at Registration: Make It Easier On Yourself

At student registration, my school district has parents fill out many different forms. These forms include:

  • Registration document with tons of information, including phone numbers, address, who is allowed to pick child up from school, etc.
  • Title I learning agreement
  • Technology participation form / photo release form
  • School learning agreement
  • Transportation information form (how the child gets to and goes home from school)
There are a lot of forms, and this can take the parent a long time to fill out, especially for those parents with multiple children enrolled in the school.

I have another form that I like to add to the list. I find it easier to get certain information on my own, without digging back through these forms to find them. My student information sheet is also how I collect information on birthdays (it's easier than digging through registration documents), and cell phone numbers. I get permission to add parents to my text messaging list as well on this form (I have done a post on how to send mass text messages using an Android smart phone HERE).

This form also includes a second page where I ask for permission to watch a number of PG movies that I have planned during the school year. In 5th grade in the state of New Mexico, we have to have parent permission to show PG movies (I say this because I'm not aware of the policy state by state).

If you would like to take the parent information sheet I have created, you can download it below (you'll probably want the .docx one so you can make changes to it, the .pdf is a little more permanent):



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